
Here are some common questions – My Place in Canada program


Where is your office located?

We are an online business. Our headquarters is located in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. We have an entity in Ivory Coast. We have collaborators in France, Ivory Coast, Mali and Senegal. We offer online services.

Where are your clients located?

We have clients in several countries, including France, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Togo, etc.

What are your services?

We are a recruitment and career coaching firm. We help companies recruit and retain top talent. We also offer support services for people who wish to immigrate to France or Canada for work or studies.

Click here to learn more about our services.

What is the My Place in Canada Program?

The My Place in Canada Program is an intensive coaching designed by Loni Consulting for job seekers aiming for professional success in Canada. It offers personalized guidance and effective tools to facilitate your job search and integration into the Canadian job market.


How much does the program cost?

The fees for the My Place in Canada Program vary depending on the selected package and desired level of coaching. Please contact us directly for detailed information on fees and payment options.


What are the benefits of the program?

The My Place in Canada Program offers numerous benefits:

  • Personalized coaching to maximize your chances of professional success.
  • Access to exclusive job search tools and resources.
  • Optimized job search strategies tailored for opportunities in Canada.
  • Personalized follow-up for continuous success throughout your professional journey.
How can I enroll in the program?

To enroll in the My Place in Canada Program, please fill out the application form available on our website. Once your application is submitted, our team will contact you to discuss your eligibility and the next steps.

What is the duration of the program?

The duration of the My Place in Canada Program depends on the level of coaching you choose. Our offerings vary in duration, ranging from a 3 months to 6 months, to provide coaching tailored to your specific needs.

Are the program services available online?

Yes, a significant part of the My Place in Canada Program is conducted online, allowing you to benefit from our services regardless of your geographical location.

How are coaching sessions conducted?

Coaching sessions are typically held as individual online meetings. We mutually agree on session schedules to accommodate your availability.

Is the program open to candidates from all professional fields?

Yes, the My Place in Canada Program is open to candidates from various professional fields. Our personalized coaching adapts to the specific needs of each individual, regardless of their specialization.

How can I obtain more information about the program?

To get more information about the My Place in Canada Program, please contact us by phone or WhatsApp at +1 438 300 9971 or by email at contact@lonniconsulting.com.

Our team will be delighted to address all your questions and provide additional details as needed.


Does the program guarantee a job in Canada?

While the My Place in Canada Program maximizes your chances of professional success, it does not guarantee employment. However, our personalized approach and exclusive resources significantly enhance your opportunities in the Canadian job market.

Still need help? Send us a note!

For any other questions, please write us at contact@lonniconsulting.com or message us at +1 438 300 9971